The Mistakes Hiring Managers Make During the Hiring Process.

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Dario Mulder

Business Manager - Cloud, Data, Security, SD & Architecture

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In this blog, we will discuss common mistakes that tech and hiring managers make when recruiting. Although some mistakes might seem obvious, or minor, they could cost you a highly skilled employee.

The process of building and growing a technical team can be challenging, and has become increasingly difficult in the last five years. Not only is the talent in high demand, with many candidates receiving multiple offers, but tech candidates are generally not actively looking for new roles. Advertising on job boards and searching CV databases is likely to yield limited results.

Tech talent on the move.

The average tenure of tech professionals is between 11 months and 1.5 years (see our latest tech recruitment market update for more detailed information). This means that the talent is highly mobile, and you’re likely to be hiring more frequently than you anticipated (and so will your competitors).

Spend time on your job description.

It is common for tech hiring managers to make mistakes that can lead to missed opportunities. When hiring directly or using a recruiter, one of the most common errors is not being clear about the job requirements. You may have a difficult time finding the right candidate if you are unsure what you want. You can also narrow your talent pool by writing adverts that deter applicants (see our article on writing inclusive job ads).

Keep an open mind and be aware of unconscious bias.

Being open to different types of candidates is important. Try not to emulate someone in your organization who is particularly successful or talented, and don’t limit yourself to traditional job titles or past experience.

It is important for tech hiring managers to be aware of unconscious bias during the hiring process. A lack of diversity in the workplace can result from unconscious bias leading to hiring decisions not based on skills and qualifications.

Transparency and fairness are essential for preventing unconscious bias from influencing the hiring process. An example of this could be anonymizing applications by removing any identifying information, such as name or gender, and using an evaluation matrix to ensure that applicants are judged on their skills and abilities rather than their personal traits.

Consider hiring for the future.

To get the most out of new hires, look for candidates with transferable skills and be willing to invest in training and development.

Consider L&D throughout the screening process.

Many organisations hire based on specific tools and experience. Due to the limited supply of tech talent, this is very difficult to match. Consider candidates who can develop or transfer their existing skills and tech stack. Considering the candidate’s ability to learn, adapt, and grow goes beyond their experience, and widens the available talent pool considerably.

Both the candidate and the employer can benefit from this approach. Training and development of new hires can help ensure they are well-equipped to succeed in their roles, while also helping to ensure a steady supply of skilled and experienced tech workers in the future.

When it comes to the tech talent market place, investing in new hires and current employees could lead to ten-fold ROI by fighting high attrition rates, increasing employee loyalty, and fostering career growth.

Research the candidate prior to interviewing.

It is also common to not do enough research on the candidate before the interview. To ask the right questions, you should understand their background and their experience with technology. Recruiters will have a good understanding of the candidate’s strengths, skills, and experience and can make this process much easier for you.

As a final point, it is important to pay attention to the candidate’s skills and experience during the interview. Instead of asking general questions, try to get into the specifics of their tech experience. You will gain a deeper understanding of the candidate and be able to identify their strengths and weaknesses.

Is a technical test necessary?

Due to the high demand for tech talent, it’s highly likely that your next hire will come from the passive market. It might be difficult to convince this candidate to consider your job opening if you include a technical testing phase.

A person’s technical ability may be misrepresented if they feel intimidated by technical tests. Additionally, they can be time-consuming and expensive for companies to administer.

Despite their value in gauging a candidate’s technical ability, technical tests cannot always reflect a person’s full abilities and potential. The technical tests do not take into account a person’s creative abilities and problem-solving skills, which are essential for successful tech teams.

Speed up the process.

If hiring managers want to find the best in-demand talent, they must pay attention to the speed of the offer and interview process.

Having a strong job offer isn’t enough in today’s competitive job market – you have to be fast. It is now expected that candidates will hear back from prospective employers sooner, with constructive feedback that will help them adapt and improve.

It is important for hiring managers to understand the importance of a quick response time. The longer they wait, the more likely it is that they will lose the talent they need.